Florence, 22/03/2018 - Pharmaceutical group Menarini, headed by the Aleotti family, has decided to entrust the Chairmanship of the company to an external manager coming from a large multinational, Dr. Eric Cornut. The new chairmanship will come into effect as of June.

The announcement to the employees and the press was made by Lucia Aleotti herself, current Chairman of the pharmaceutical group, together with her brother, Alberto Giovanni, Vice Chairman.
“Entrusting the Chairmanship of the company to an external manager of great experience has been a well thought-out and shared decision made with the entire Board of Directors, in line with our philosophy to rapidly respond to the signs coming from the competitive environment in which we operate” declared Lucia Aleotti. “Menarini is growing in many different geographical areas and new fields of research, both pharmaceutical and technological. Eric Cornut has already acquired a deep and wide-ranging experience in these areas and will be able to give a further boost to the company.”
No withdrawal from the company by Aleotti family: ”On the contrary. We will be able to dedicate more time and greater energy to the search for possible strategic acquisitions, combining the dynamism and the values of a family-owned company with the experience of the future Chairman,” confirmed Alberto Giovanni Aleotti.

Eric Cornut stated: “I first came to appreciate Menarini as an external observer, then as a member of the Board of Directors, with an ever-increasing appreciation of the values and philosophy which make it a rather unique company on an international level, with an enviable potential for development. I am honoured to be able to contribute towards the evolution and growth of the company.”